Bash and Linux Commands
Basic Shell Management commands
sudo - super user do
sudo su - got to root
exit - leave root
su - switch user
sudoers file
cd /root
man - display command manual
--help - display command help
chmod 777 or Chmod +x - give full permission or make file executable
./ - to run a file
switch to root command - sudo su
exit root - exit or su [machine name] command
install tools in /opt folder
cat /etc/shells : to find list of shells on a system
Network commands
ip : a, n
Netcat command to listen nc -lvnp [port num]
Install Files/Update
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
/opt - where to save download files
pimpmy kali - to install update
apt install gedit - text editor
To remove programs
apt list --installed Scroll through the list of installed packages in the Terminal window to find the one you want to uninstall. Note the full name of the package.
sudo apt purge [program name]
To update and upgrade packages
sudo apt full-upgrade -y OR run as root - sudo apt up ate apt upgrade
OR use pimpmykali
File Commands
mkdir - make new folder/directory
ls - List files and directories
ls -la - list all files + hidden folders /files hidden files or folders starts with .
cd - change directory to root folder
cd . - current directory
cd .. - parent directory
open . - open files or folder
pwd - print current directory
whoami - display current users name
touch file.txt - create new file named file.txt
ls -la - show all files in directory
start . - open current folder/directory
explorer . - open current folder/directory
cd Desktop/new-folder - navigating long path
Using find command find /directory -name *.txt(anything.txt)
file - check for a file type
less: used to read contents of text file one page (one screen) per time
more: reads files and displays the text one screen at a time
locate : to find file and directories.
File Management Commands
touch - create new file
>: write to new file
>>: append to file
cat - list contents of file
cat * : list all files
nano - edit file
ctrl o : save changes
ctrl x : exit (Yes / No, before exiting)
clear - clear terminal
tab - autocomplete command
echo - print to terminal / copy to another file
rm - remove files
rm -rf - remove folder
--help - help on specific commands
ps : list running process
pgrep explorer : get process for explorer
Repository - folder/place where your project is kept git - tool that tracks changes in code in real time Github - A website to hots your repositories online
Git commands
clone - bring a repository hosted somewhere like github into a folder on your local machine.
add - track your files in Git
commit - save your files in Git
-m - message (what and why of the commit you make)
push - Upload Git commits to a remote repo, like Github
git push -u origin master (can just use git push after this)
pull - Download changes from remote from renote repo to your local machine, opposite of push.
git init - creates new empty repo
git remote add origin - add files in local pc to Github
git branch - to see which branch you are on
git checkout -b [branch name] - to create a new branch
git diff [branch name] - shows difference between branches
git merge - merge changes between two branches
git branch -d [branch name]
git commit -am [message] - add changes to file already commited/modified files
git reset [name of files to reset] - undo changes to files
git reset HEAD~1 - undo commits
git hash-object
git cat-file git mktree
blob - rep single file in git object
tree - rep folders
find help on all tools
Last updated