Windows Event Logs

The logs are categorized into different event logs, such as "Application", "System", "Security", and others, to organize events based on their source or purpose.

Event logs can be accessed using the Event Viewer application.

how to rdp:

install free rdp: sudo apt install freerdp2-x11

run command with syntax : $ xfreerdp /v:hostname_or_ip_address /u:username /dynamic-resolution

xfreerdp /u:Administrator /p:'HTB_@cad3my_lab_W1n10_r00t!@0' /v: /dynamic-resolution


xfreerdp /u:Administrator /p:'password' /v:[Target IP] /dynamic-resolution

xfreerdp /v: /u:administrator

The full list of Sysmon event IDs can be found here.

comprehensive configuration, we can visit:

Another option is:, which provides a modular approach.

To utilize a custom Sysmon configuration, execute the following after installing Sysmon. sysmon.exe -c filename.xml

To utilize the updated Sysmon configuration, execute the following.

sysmon.exe -c sysmonconfig-export.xml

With the modified Sysmon configuration, we can start observing image load events. To view these events, navigate to the Event Viewer and access "Applications and Services" -> "Microsoft" -> "Windows" -> "Sysmon." A quick check will reveal the presence of the targeted event ID

Exhaustive list of various DLL hijack techniques

One specific command, "sekurlsa::logonpasswords", enables the dumping of password hashes or plaintext passwords by accessing the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS). LSASS is responsible for managing user credentials and is a primary target for credential-dumping tools like Mimikatz

The attack can be executed as follows.




ETW - Event Tracing for Windows logman.exe query -ets

the -ets parameter will allow for a direct investigation of the event tracing sessions, providing insights into system-wide tracing sessions

Please note that the “-ets” parameter is vital to the command. Without it, Logman will not identify the Event Tracing Session.

For each provider subscribed to the session, we can acquire critical data:

  • Name / Provider GUID: This is the exclusive identifier for the provider.

  • Level: This describes the event level, indicating if it's filtering for warning, informational, critical, or all events.

  • Keywords Any: Keywords create a filter based on the kind of event generated by the provider.

logman.exe query "EventLog-System" -ets

using the logman query providers command, we can generate a list of all available providers on the system, including their respective GUIDs

logman.exe query providers

Due to the high number of providers, it's usually advantageous to filter them using findstr. For instance, you will see multiple results for "Winlogon" in the given example.

C:\Tools> logman.exe query providers | findstr "Winlogon"

By specifying a provider with Logman, we gain a deeper understanding of the provider's function. This will inform us about the Keywords we can filter on, the available event levels, and which processes are currently utilizing the provider.

C:\Tools> logman.exe query providers Microsoft-Windows-Winlogon

Insightful mind map introducing common parent-child relationships

Event Tracing for Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime


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